Friday, August 10, 2012

!!!Activist In August!!!

Today's Activist Is... Elveta Cooper and Angel Carter!!! On January 12th, 2006 two lovely women founded a non-profit orginazation called Taylor And Taylor Family Resource Center. They had been talking about starting this orginization years before this day when they made it official. What they wanted was give back to the little know city in West Tennessee that gave back to them. They met in like the 3rd grade and had they same last name Taylor well of course they got married and Angel's last name was changed to Carter and Elveta's was changed to Cooper. Well when they finally got their plan to work people kept saying that it wouldn't work everyone was telling them to quit and just do something else but they didn't let the people who said no to back them down they NGU and kept doing there best and here it is 2012 and this non-profit founded by my mom Angel Carter and her friend Elveta Cooper is still running in good shape to visit there website go to my "Website's To Visit" tab and see all the wonderful things they have done in the community!!! Anything is possible you just need to MAKE and possible and remember NGU!!!!!!!!!!!

Bryson C. (
Taylor & Taylor's Website (


  1. YAyyy mii sissy and sissy Veta Love ya good shout out Bryson your the best!!!!!

  2. Am so proud that you gave my two daughters(Angel& Veta) their props.

  3. You are magnificient Bryson. I love u much and thank you always for your unwavering support. You are the most creative, intelligent and fantastic young man....basically...YOU ROCK!!

    1. This is Veta...I'm not blog literate

  4. Great Job you guys deserve it :)

  5. Thank you son. I never thought of myself as an activist but I like it and I love you. Continue on this path because you are bound for greatness!
