Thursday, October 4, 2012

Anti-Bully Month

This month is anti-bully month and I just wanted to say bulling is wrong. No one on this earth should be bullied. Everyone has a soft spot so jokingly playing might make someone commit suicide or even kill you and themselves.NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE SHOULD ENDURE BEING BULLIED! If you tell your teacher or an adult that you are being bullied and they don't respond keep telling them BUG them about don;t give up they'll stop. What do you do if you see bullying going on walk away or tell someone about it? YOU TELL SOMEONE! Think of it like this you wouldn't want to be in that situation. Oh you might think you can fight them but remember just like you hurt them they can hurt you too so don't be a BULLY, BULLIED, And Definitely not a BYSTANDER!  

Bryson .C.

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